Why I Use FOREVER™ Storage To Preserve My Family Photos

(and recommend it to my clients too)!

FOREVER™ is a permanent digital home for all of your most precious memories. Unlike other cloud storage services that charge you annually and will delete your account after a period of inactivity, FOREVER™ storage is yours with a one-time payment, and you own it for your lifetime plus 100 years.

Why I Love FOREVER Storage

  • It’s permanent. Your storage is guaranteed for your lifetime plus 100 years. This is possible through the FOREVER Guarantee Fund — a percentage of every storage purchase is invested in this fund to pay for maintenance and migration costs over time.

  • Pay once and own it forever. When you purchase storage, it’s yours. You’ll never have to pay again for that same storage space (and neither will your kids)!

  • It’s private. You know that saying, “If something is free, then you’re the product?” That’s certainly true of Google, Apple, and other big tech companies that give you a certain amount of cloud storage free but sell your information to advertisers. Privacy is a cornerstone of FOREVER, and they will never sell your information.

  • Migration over time. FOREVER will migrate your files to new formats over time to keep up with new technology to make sure your files are always current and accessible.

  • It’s secure. Copies of your data are stored in multiple locations across the globe and encrypted for extra security.

  • Files stored at full resolution with metadata. FOREVER protects the integrity of your photos, storing them at full resolution and retaining all keywords and data. Many other cloud services compress your photos and consider metadata proprietary, which means its stripped out of the photo when you download the file from your account.

  • Top Notch Customer Support. You will have a FOREVER Ambassador (me!) to answer questions and help you get started with everything the platform has to offer. Also, FOREVER Support is available by phone or email 7 days a week so you can always get help from a human. (Try that with Google)!

Other Cool Things You Can Do With FOREVER

FOREVER is more than just a permanent online home for your photos. Here are some of the things you can easily do with FOREVER:

  • Digitize Old Media: Order a FOREVER digitization box, load with your old photos, slides, film reels, VHS tapes, etc and ship it back to FOREVER’s state-of-the-art digitization center in Green Bay. They will digitize everything and load it into your storage account. (You can use FOREVER’s digitization service without a paid storage account. When your items are digitized, FOREVER will provide a link that is good for 60 days where you can access your digitized files and download to the location of your choice).

  • Organize & tag your photos. You can organize your photos into albums and add tags and keywords. If a photo has a backstory you’d like to save, you can add that too. Unlike many other cloud storage platforms, this information stays with the photo if you were to download it outside of FOREVER.

  • Share your photos and albums with family and friends, and create collaborative albums that others can add photos to. Perfect for vacations and family celebrations where everyone takes pics on their phones — with FOREVER, each person on the trip can upload the best pics from their phones to the same album (even if they don’t have a paid FOREVER account) so everyone will have access to the best photos. (Bonus: With just a few clicks, you can use the photos in the album to create a photo book to enjoy the photos from your trip).

  • Mobile app for uploading new photos from your camera roll. You can also install it on the phones of your spouse and other family members so they can upload photos directly to your account as well.

  • Design & order premium photo books & gifts with your photos on them. You can create greeting cards, canvases, magnets, planners, blankets, puzzles, drink ware, and more with just a few clicks.

How I Can Help You With Your Photos Using FOREVER

To be honest, I hadn’t heard of FOREVER™ until I began training as a photo manager. Once I learned about it, I began using it for my own photos and quickly realized that FOREVER™ would be a great tool to have in my client toolbox. Then I became a FOREVER Ambassador so I could get the training and tools needed to help my clients get the most out of their FOREVER accounts.

Having a FOREVER account is not a requirement for working with me. For clients outside of FOREVER, I do the work of digitizing, organizing, and optimizing their photo collections in my home office and I work within their preferred cloud storage account using other professional photo management tools and software. But FOREVER™ is hands-down my top recommendation for clients who come to me looking for an all-in-one storage and sharing platform.

As your FOREVER Ambassador, I earn commissions from FOREVER which allows me to provide you with training and resources to get the most out of your services at no additional cost to you. This makes it a great option for someone who would like to manage and organize their own photos but just wants a little help. (For my FOREVER clients who prefer a “done for you” approach, I offer all-inclusive concierge level service for an additional charge).

To get started, grab your free 2GB account below and try out all FOREVER has to offer.

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Claim your free FOREVER™ 2GB account* and get a $20 coupon.

*Free 2GB accounts become permanent when storage is purchased.