Go out in the world and make new memories.

I’ll take care of your old ones.

Photo Manager & Digital Organizer

Melissa Sullivan

I have always had a passion for photos, keepsakes, and preserving family memories. My kids can tell you that I was that Mom who always had her phone camera ready, and I don’t think there was a day of their childhood I didn’t snap at least one pic. Now that they’re grown, I had to find a way to organize those thousands of photos and get them out of the cloud so we can all view and enjoy them. Along the way, I discovered my passion for photos and organizing could help other families find joy in their camera rolls too. I love to see the smiles on people’s faces when they’re able to enjoy their newly organized photo collections and share their precious photos with their family and friends. 

How I Can Help

  • Digitize

    convert old analog photos, film, and other media to digital files

  • Organize

    eliminate duplicates, sort photos, and share with family and friends

  • Optimize

    create photo books, slideshows, gifts, and more

  • DIY Help

    organize your own photos with personal guidance from a pro

What is a Photo Manager?

Photo Managers didn’t exist a couple of decades ago, but the way we take and view photos has changed drastically in recent years too. I’m old enough to remember buying a roll of 24-exposure film, carefully choosing which 24 photos to take, then bringing that film to the drugstore to be developed. Later, we’d pick up the envelope of printed photos and flip through them hopefully, inevitably finding a few that were unusable with thumbs in front of the lens, closed eyes, or lighting issues. If we were lucky, that roll of 24-exposure film would yield 15 - 18 usable photos.

Fast forward to 2023, and many of us take at least a dozen photos a day including screenshots, photos of meals, or a series of 20 shots of the dog doing something cute. Having powerful cameras in the palm of our hands is amazing, but often we snap pics willy-nilly and then forget to go back later to delete the duds, edit the good ones, and organize them. Before you know it, you’ve got camera roll chaos. It’s possible to manage this chaos yourself, but you belong out in the world making new memories, not at home sorting through your old ones. A trusted photo manager can help control the chaos and preserve your best photos so they can be enjoyed for generations to come.

Start enjoying your photos today.